Horizon School Division Home

Creating a better world, one student at a time

Horizon School Division No. 205 operates 43 schools in communities across east-central Saskatchewan, supporting staff and students in their mission to reach foundational Literacy & Numeracy, Safe & Caring, and Graduation Rates goals.

Division News

Indigenous Education Team standing in front of Horizon School Division's teepee

Indigenous Education Team

Horizon’s amazing Indigenous Education team, pictured here with Elder and Knowledge Keeper George Longman, led staff through four circle teachings, treaty curriculum, resources, a blanket exercise, and more as part of a Treaty Catalyst professional learning event today. We are deeply grateful for the wisdom and guidance shared, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to reconciliation. Thank you to all who participated and made this event a success.
News reporter interviewing a school principal.

Bulyea Elementary CTV Live Segment

We're excited to share this news story highlighting Bulyea Elementary School's fantastic outdoor learning and gardening initiatives! It is inspiring to see how these hands-on experiences are enriching students' education and fostering a love for the environment.
The Honourable David Marit and Director of Education Kevin Garinger

Student Ag Day

We are grateful to hear from the Hon. David Marit, Minister of Agriculture, about the bright future for ag in Saskatchewan!
Reminder - there is no school for students from May 16-20,2024.

Happy Victoria Day!

Quick reminder that there is no school from May 16 to 20, 2024. We hope you enjoy the extended long weekend, Horizon!
