Horizon School Division Home

Creating a better world, one student at a time

Horizon School Division No. 205 operates 43 schools in communities across east-central Saskatchewan, supporting staff and students in their mission to reach foundational Literacy & Numeracy, Safe & Caring, and Graduation Rates goals.

Division News

Picture of tea cups, hearts and text

Happy Mother's Day!

Today, we celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives with their love, care, and unwavering support. Thank you for the sacrifices you've made and the moments of joy you bring into our lives!
We are hiring educational assistants, high school teacher, occupational therapist, principals. tinyurl.com/workforhorizon

We are hiring

Join the team! Please see tinyurl.com/WorkforHorizon for current job openings.
Image of bubble with many languages and text Did you know? During the 2022-23 school year, there were 46 languages spoken in Horizon School Division homes?

Did you know?

Did you know that, during the 2022-23 school year, there were 46 languages spoken in homes in Horizon School Division? See more in our annual report summary at: horizonsd.ca/HorizonAtAGlance/
Colorful illustration for Early Childhood Education Appreciation Day, featuring three cartoon rabbits playing with building blocks. The main rabbit, wearing a red apron over a green shirt, helps a smaller brown rabbit and a blue rabbit stack multicolored blocks on a wooden table. They are in a cozy room filled with bookshelves and a sunny window in the background. The Horizon School Division logo is at the top right

ECE Appreciation

Today we celebrate our ECE heroes! Thank you to early childhood educators for nurturing our little ones' growth and learning – your dedication shapes futures.
Photo of Drew Ross sitting at his office desk. Drew is smiling at the camera, wearing a dark blue polo shirt. The office is filled with bookshelves and filing cabinets, and there's a bright 'CONGRATULATIONS' banner across the top of the image.

Athletic Administrator certification

Kudos to Mr. Drew Ross from Englefeld School for completing his Canadian Registered Athletic Administrator certification! Horizon is proud to acknowledge Drew's dedication to professional growth and commitment to school sport. Congratulations, Drew!
