Wall of Fame » Wall of Fame

Wall of Fame

Horizon School Division has established the Wall of Fame Award to honour graduates of the schools within the Division, including schools within the division boundaries that existed before amalgamation. Wall of Fame nominees must be Grade 12 graduates who have outstanding achievement in their chosen field of work, area of interest, or have had a significant impact on society.
  • Anyone may nominate an individual whom they feel is deserving of this award.  Nominations must be made by completing the online application form found above.
  • All nominations that are received will be reviewed by the Wall of Fame committee and winners will be notified of their receipt of this award.
  • Nominations that are received but not selected as award winners will automatically be submitted for consideration the following year.
  • Wall of Fame inductees will receive a plaque. A picture and write up of each winner will be displayed at the Division Office and at the inductees’ former school.  
  • Inductees to the Horizon School Division Wall of Fame will be asked to speak briefly at the annual Horizon School Division Celebration.